5 Apps for Meditation and Mindfulness

We all know that meditation is good for us. Whilst there are numerous studies that prove this, we can see this for ourselves after just one week of incorporating a mindfulness practice into our routine – it just feels so good. Meditation benefits us on so many levels – it helps reduce our stress levels, lessens anxiety, lengthens our attention span, helps prevent memory loss, eases chronic pain, reduces blood pressure, relieves IBS and helps fight addictions, to name just a few!

Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is going on in the present moment, without getting distracted by thoughts of the past or the future, and without judging our experience of the present. Meditation is a tool that we can use to achieve this, and though there are many different types of meditation, it can be as basic as focussing on your breath for a period of time. Sound easy? Trust me, it’s not! Our brains have a funny way of going fifty miles an hour, especially when we are trying to keep it clear. 

Meditation is something that is meant to bring some peace into your busy days, but often it can be stressful. It’s not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed because they think it’s something that is difficultor because they don’t know where to start. I’m here to take that stress away for you. Here are 5 apps that are brilliant at helping you get started with meditation and incorporating it into your daily routine!

1. Insight Timer
Insight Timer is my favourite app for several reasons. First of all, it’s a great way to access a huge range of guided meditations from extremely experienced people. It’s also an awesome way to keep track of your own practice by using its timer function. On top of this, it tracks minutes meditated, days in a row and even records your favourite sessions. The app is free, and also gives you access to a range of courses to aid your self-development and learning.

2. 10% Happier
10% Happier was created for sceptics who struggle to believe that meditation is all that it’s cracked up to be. New content each week helps to stop it from becoming a bore, whilst also teaching you how to get started and giving you plenty of quick meditations to fit into your busy schedule. Something else I love about this app are the little nuggets of inspiration that you can use each day to stay mindful and inspired.

3. Simple Habit
I get it, you’re a busy person and you really don’t want to spend half an hour each day on your mindfulness practice. Simple Habit was created just for people like you. Commit to just five minutes each day and you’ll reap the rewards – lower stress levels, heightened focus, better sleep etc. It also has a separate function for on-the-go meditations, so you can take advantage of time on public transport, when you’re out walking or even whilst in the kitchen.

4. Smiling Mind
If you’re looking for an app that suits the whole family, or looking to get kids into meditation, Smiling Mind is the place to go! It’s free to use and was designed by both psychologists and educators to ensure its smooth functioning for all ages. Kids start with a meditation called The Bubble Journey, whereas adults start with a simple body scan.

5. Headspace
It would be remiss of me to write this article without including Headspace. Headspace was the first app that got me into mindfulness, and it’s an excellent step-by-step guide that teaches you what mindfulness is, and how to meditate most effectively. You can also use headspace to create personalised meditation plans based on your goals and preferences – it’s really the OG of mindfulness.

We are never too busy to make time for our daily mindfulness practice. One of my favourite quotes is a zen proverb that says: “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. Unless you're too busy, then you should sit for an hour.” And how true it is!

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