How to Stay Occupied During Social Distancing  

Social distancing is here, and it looks as though it’s here to stay, at least for a little while. While I 100% think that self-isolation is the right strategy to pursue and that we should all be doing our best to abide by the recommendations, I know it means that most of us have a reasonably large adjustment to make. Whilst some of us deal better with change than others, most of us have realised that with social distancing comes boredom, and that is a problem in itself. Feelings of boredom and lack of satisfaction can make it difficult for us to stay happy during these turbulent times.

Instead of the negatives, what I’m trying to focus on is shifting my perspective to focus on the good. And no, I’m not talking about sticking your head in the sand and pretending that people aren’t falling prey to this infection every day, or that you wouldn’t rather be going to your sister’s birthday party instead of staying in. What I’m talking about is shifting our mindset away from the focus on social distancing, and towards one of social connection. Social connection and physical activity are absolutely pivotal for our mental health, so make the most of this ‘extra time’ to prioritise the things that make you feel good. We can take advantage of this time and use it for our benefit. Covid-19 doesn’t just have to rob us of every norm, perhaps it can gift us something too – more time with our families, more meals cooked at home or more minutes to tackle that pile of admin we’ve been meaning to get to for months.

If you’re feeling a little lost and bored during this time, here are some ways you can stay occupied whilst still maintaining social distancing practices:

1. Move your body as much as possible
Moving your body is the easiest way to shift energy. It powers you up for the day and gets your endorphins flowing, which is why it’s a daily non-negotiable for me. I am loving seeing the sheer number of incredible workouts being created by the online community. If you’re looking to change up your routines, check out @nathan@ramslegit and @zannavandijk’s pages for some awesome inspo.

2. Indulge in your favourite self-care routines
It is now more important than ever to create some peace and stillness in your life. Self-care needs to focus on your individual nuances. What lights you up? What makes you feel happy? What keeps you in the present moment? Whether it be structuring your morning routine, giving yourself a pedicure or making time to read each night, make it a priority in your day.

3. Get Creative
Creativity is vital for success and self-love. There are so many ways in which you can be creative, whether it be dancing, journaling, baking, playing music or building something. Whichever form of creativity tickles your fancy, you can be sure that expressing your creative side will bring joy and satisfaction to your day.

4. Work your way through your to-do list
We all have those things, the tasks we should do but we keep putting off. If you love that feeling of being productive, start tackling your to-do list; all this time at home is a great excuse to do the things that you’ve been putting off.

5. Learn something new
I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for learning. For me, it’s a lifelong pursuit and this period of time has reinforced to me that learning doesn’t have to be done in the typical ways, via the traditional pathways. I’m focussing on learning about how start-ups work, improving my handstands and learning how to mountain bike!

Take advantage of free content
It warms my heart to see our online community band together to create epic free content to keep us inspired and motivated during this time. If you’re looking for new things to try, Rosie Rees has just run a 5 day yoni egg workshop, Hannah Rose Cluley has been running meditation and mindset workshops, and Em Carey has been running live drawing workshops which look like heaps of fun.

7. Be socially connected
Just because we are physically separated doesn’t mean we need to lack connection to one another. In fact, this time can be a great reason to catch up with old friends and family. Whether you want to take advantage of the Houseparty app, write some good old fashioned letters or do a virtual activity with a friend, focus on social connection and it will surely brighten your days.

8.Adopt a cat or dog
I have noticed a massive increase in the amount of adorable puppies in my neighbourhood, and it actually makes a lot of sense. Having a new pet requires a lot of time and energy – something we seem to have plenty of at the moment! Of course, if you can, help adopt, don’t shop. Take a look at the dogs in your local pound, or checkout the incredible work being done byGreyhound Rescue.

9. Get baking 
Whilst I am trying my hardest to support my favourite local businesses by supporting their takeaway services, I am also relishing the opportunity to get baking in my kitchen. Check out my favourite warming winter recipesnut free desserts or my top 5 go-to meals.

10. Build a herb garden
Fancy a little DIY project to help spice up your cooking? Build a little herb garden either in your yard, or near a windowsill inside. Herbs are some of my favourite plants to grow as I find so much satisfaction from being able to use something I’ve grown in the kitchen. What makes it even better is that having plants indoors actually helps purify the air in your home too!

11. Tackle some home improvement jobs
Put your skills to the test, get your hands dirty and tackle some home improvement projects. Youtube is home to an abundance of DIY tutorials and handy tips, so if you need a little assistance, or perhaps some inspiration, that is a great place to start.

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